If you are a social influencer with many followers, then you can build a kBot (i.e., a LLM chatbot similar to ChatGPT) very quickly based on your existing media,
no programming skills needed.
Such a kBot provides you with the following benefits:
- Interactive surrogate chatbot. You can use such a kBot as your surrogate to engage with your followers interactively, in order to provide better satisfaction to your followers.
- Integration with social media. This kBot automatically creates in-context links to your existing media on other websites, thus increases cross traffic and monetization opportunities for you.
- Viral effects thru kHub. If your kBot is highly rated on our kHub platform, then your kBot may get included in our "expert kBot panel" that users can engage with.
This will further boost trafiic to your kBot, as well to your other websites.
This is just one example of one of the many benefits from owning a kBot on our platform.
- Monetization. .
Use case of using a kBot as an Influencer Surrogate
- Peter is an investment influencer with millions of followers. Peter wishes to use the LLM chatbot technology to engage his followers more closely, increase traffic to his media sites on Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram.
- Peter uses kHub to build an Influencer kBot, by simply providing kHub access to his media websites, as well as uploading some files containing his thoughts and unpublished writings.
- Peter's followers are able to access this kBot by either coming to the kHub website, or by following the links that Peter made accessible from his other social media sites.
- By carrying on a conversation with Peter's surrogate kBot, Peter's followers are able to get the questions answered by the kBot as if talking to Peter.
This kBot will also provide links to Peter's other media sites, which increase traffic to those sites.
- Peter can "retrain" his kBot on his kHub admin page, should the kBot failed to answer certain questions to Peter's satisfaction.
- The kHub platform hosts a panel discussion of investment experts, which also includes Peter's kBot and some other top-ranked investment kBots.
and choose to seek advice from a panel of investment kBots on the kHub platform.
The panel discussion draws a large online audience, with some audience impressed by the performance of Peter's kBot,
and decide to follow the links that go to Peter's other media sites thus boost the traffic and monetization over there.